Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Tourist Season Now Open

being back in nyc is wonderful. i enjoy being back in the place i grew up. and since i am now living in what is considered nyc as opposed to the burbs i definately have a different perspective of all that is around me. i get to intermingle with all of the people who came to this wonderful place in search of a better life, whether it be from across the globe or across this country.

one of the things about nyc is that tons of people who do not live here often come here to visit. and it seems that they all come to visit in the month between thanksgiving and christmas. and who could blame them? this is the best time to be in nyc. not to sound biased, but nyc is the greatest city in the world to be in come the holidays. and believe me, i appreciate the boost in nyc's economy when the tourists come to visit. however, for ever positive there are often a few negatives as well. so, not4nothin is going to give some friendly words of advice for tourists coming to nyc or any city for that matter.

#1.remember first and foremost, YOU ARE IN MY CITY NOW. treat it with respect. make sure all cigarette butts, remains of street meat and starbucks coffee cups end up in the trash where they belong. those circular green things that are found on most corners is where that unwanted stuff goes.

#2. MOVEMENT ON THE SIDEWALK generally flows in 2 directions. often that direction is opposite of one another. so, if you are in a large group, say 4 or more, walk in front of one another. there is no need to spread out like a charging herd and stop the flow of traffic. not everyone on the sidewalks has the time to walk behind you as you stop to reload your camera and point in an upwards direction. and more importantly, if you do need to stop, think of the extreme side of the sidewalk as an 'offramp.' you wouldn't just stop your pickup truck in the middle of the highway back home, would you? most of us only have an hour tops at lunch to do what we have to do. keep out of our way so we can help keep the economy of the city flowing.

#3. IF ATTENDING A BROADWAY SHOW (which i highly recommend) there are a few things to keep in mind. first, dress appropriately. live theatre is not the movies. put the jeans down and put on the pair of khakis you packed. you brought them 'just in case.' well, here is your 'just in case' moment. secondly, DO NOT, i repeat, do not utter a single word during the performance. have respect for the actors on stage who are trying to do their job and perform for you. third, when the time on the ticket says 8 o'clock they mean it. fashionably late does not hold water for live theatre. the same goes for when the house dims the lights at intermission. that means the actors are ready to begin. so, get your a$$ back to your seat and bbe silent. you are on their timetable, not your own. and most importantly, turn your cell phones OFF. that does not mean vibrate so the phone can ring to let you know the call you didn't answer still left a message. open all candy, wrappers, sticks of gum and coughdrops BEFORE the performance begins. it is not dairy, it will not spoil once opened.

#4. WHEN RIDING THE SUBWAY please be aware that there is more room once you move INTO the subway car. the space does not end right after the door. there is usually a whole car with room to be had. and those metal poles and bars that run along the top of the car, they are there for a reason. hold on. cause the subway does move quickly (like everything else in nyc), does make sharp turns and sudden stops. and to be honest, i do not find it funny when you crash into me beofre i have had my first mug of coffee. and please remove your backpacks from your backs or little brown bags from bloomingdale's from your shoulders. space is limited once you get it and a lot of people have places to go.

#5. WHEN CROSSING THE STREET look BOTH ways. cabbies do not care if you are crossing against the light. they will plaster you into the pavement. and even if the sign is flashing 'don't walk' but there is not a single car in sight it is alright to go. trust me, not4nothin would not steer you wrong. i've crossed and lived to see another day.

so, enjoy the city and all it has to offer. just stay out of our way.


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